In my anguish I cried to the Lord and He answered by setting me free. – Psalm 118:5
Many people are selective on which parts of themselves they bring to God in prayer. Some hesitate to approach God about traits they consider shameful. Others are used to living with these painful feelings – loneliness, fear, guilt, shame – that it never occurs to them to ask for help in dealing with those things. Still, others get so preoccupied with their struggles that they forget to pray at all.
That is not what God intended for us. We’re not meant to suffer alone, without His love. All the hurting parts of us, He wants to heal. Even the ones that have been with us so long, they feel like they are physically part of us. We carry them wherever we go, unaware of how much they impact us. We really should be carrying God’s love with us instead.
God wants to help us walk in freedom.

These painful patterns we’ve created are what we need to break. The next time you are about to walk in your shame or whatever negative feeling you are having, try repeating these words;
Lord, I surrender all to You. Wash me with your cleansing Love and help me to know in my heart that I am truly healed in You.
Then you have to do the hard part…repeat it again, in faith and actually DO IT.
Trust me, He’s got you.
Repeat the words everyday and you’ll start to experience healing in your spirit as you grow free. Once you start to experience God’s love, you start to feel comfort in the fact that no matter what, He loves you and you are indeed enough in His eyes.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. – Romans 8:1