Yesterday we had our second Bible study inside The Kingdom discord channel. I’d like to thank everyone who joined us. I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions, even though we had some learning curves to overcome.
We did decide to postpone our study in the book of Acts and switch over to the Gospels because we felt it was a better place to start for those who are new (myself included!)
Jon (@jonsjourney) read from the book of Matthew and we had some great conversation on verses that stood out to us, as well as those that can help us through tough times.
My take away from week 2 is simply that, while we definitely have some things to figure out as far as the structure of the study, in the end, that’s okay!
I left that study chat and I felt a little “under qualified” and I kicked myself around for a bit until I thought, Janelle, take this to prayer and I did. After praying about it, I realized a couple of things:
1) We don’t need to be perfect for God. Just like in Matthew 9 when Jesus is asked why He sits with tax collectors and sinners, He says in verse 12-13, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but those who are sick do. Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” Perfect, we are not. And that’s exactly why we need Jesus.
2) You never know what God will use to change someones heart. Just because it wasn’t a moment that you felt called to or moved by, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a moment God was using to move someone else in the group.
Mostly, I just think it’s important that we continue to show up. God is at work. Always. We just have to get out of our own way long enough to let Him. I am really looking forward to week 3. I think we will have a more structured layout and can’t wait to dive into God’s word!