I consider myself a “baby Christian” because I only recently discovered what it actually means to call yourself a true Christian and I am continuously learning how to apply God’s Word in my life.
I say this because I want to preface this post with the fact that I’ve never really read the Bible in it’s entirety. I’ve recently started a study plan inside the Bible app and it’s yearly plan of reading the Bible completely but it chronological order.
It’s a bit of a heavy plan to start with for someone “new” but I’m taking on the challenge because it’s SO worth it.
This morning, I got up and made breakfast for my little ones and we settled into our usual morning routine of reading. My youngest was reading a fascinating Berenstein Bears story of Thanksgiving and as for me? Well, I dove into the incredibly inspiring book of Ruth!

It’s such a refreshing read after the heaviness that comes from the book of Judges. Even though it’s a short book (it’s only 4 chapters), it inspired me so much that I had to read it twice.
When I finished the book the first time, I sat there in awe. First, at how amazing God is! We can always trust God to provide what we need, in ways that we could never even imagine. Second, at how relatable the character of Ruth is. I believe we can take so much away from that short chapter.
Ruth us resilient in her faith and has such a deep sense of trust in God. Her journey tells us a story of tragedy and sorrow – She was a widow, childless, living with her mother in-law and an outcast in every sense of the word. She did not let any of that stop her because Ruth understood that she had a bigger purpose and that she must continue forward and let God lead the way in her life. Even when you feel like you may be the least likely candidate for God to useā¦He can.
Even though sometimes the road we’re on seems scary and perhaps we can’t see the bigger picture, remain faithful to God. He will never lead you the wrong way.