I’m sure most of you by now have heard of or have seen the new series online called The Chosen. If not, it’s an absolute must see. I have no words for how fantastic that show portrays the people from the Bible in such a relatable…real way. Seriously, go watch it! Well… after you finish reading this blog post anyway…
The reason I brought it up is because I recently purchased a 40 day devotional (not an affiliate link, just sharing incase you want to check it out) written by the director of The Chosen. I also HIGHLY recommend it and I’m only on day 5. But day 3….blew my mind!
It’s perfectly called “Represent” and speaks to how in order to save our life, we must lose our life. In fact, that’s the first line of the devotional. Gets your attention right?

I don’t want to give too much away but there is one line in it that completely changed the way I think. It talks about how the disciples of Christ turned their lives upside down to follow Him, essentially losing everything they knew on earth…to gain so much more in Heaven.
It says, “They shared the gospel with an unstoppable, contagious, relentless passion that – to be honest – seems kind of rare these days. How come? For starters, they weren’t in love with themselves or their own stories.” <—- that part right there stopped me in my tracks.
I thought about my story of salvation. I can remember every single detail. Even the time of the night, what I was wearing, where I was sitting, what I said in my desperate prayer. Everything. I thought of how many times I told that story, even in my head, over and over and over, most likely sensationalizing it more every time.
Here’s the thing that this devotional taught me – I have been in love with telling that story. That is…in love with telling the “before Christ” part of my story when honestly, my story didn’t even really begin to get interesting until the “after Christ” part!
“I was one way and now I’m completely different and the thing that happened in between was Jesus” – Mary Magdalene (scene from The Chosen)
There is a reason we know very little about the disciples lives before Christ. It’s because…their TRUE story, the epic blockbuster story, literally begins when they decide to give their life to Christ.
It continues later to say, “Which means that even if you’ve been a believer for all of ten minutes, those minutes are entirely more relevant than the twenty, forty or eighty years of darkness prior to your conversion”
My story began the night I was laying on my bedroom floor, contemplating a whole lot of dark thoughts and decided to give my life over to Christ.
It’s the details after that night that make my story more fascinating. It also allows me to bring all the glory back to the One who deserves it – God!
Focusing on the part before my conversion is giving way too much attention to Satan and his evil ways. I gave my life to Christ that night and the details after that are what matters most – this allows Him to stay the hero of the story.

Heavenly Father, King of the Universe!
Thank you for transforming my life in ways that I couldn’t possibly put into words.
You literally picked me up off the floor and saved my life.
I dedicate my life to You daily.
For all the times I’ve misrepresented You in the story of my life, I am truly sorry.
Help me to ALWAYS put You first. My story from this moment on isn’t about me, it’s about You and
what You have done. You are the hero.
I pray this in Jesus’ glorious name,
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