He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
O, how great Thou art!
Sometimes the beauty of a moment can take your breath away. I love that. That happened to me last night as I was walking down by the shore at almost sunset. I like to think of it as God waving to me saying, “Hello! Enjoy this moment. Look around you! Be joyful!”
It causes me to stop and simply say, “Thank You, God. Thank You for the air in my lungs. Thank You for allowing me to present in this beautiful moment. Thank You for the blessings. Thank You for all of your creation. All glory and praise to You!”

I absolutely love living on Prince Edward Island. Especially in the Summer months when the majestic beauty of this land comes alive. The red cliffs in contrast with the bright blue sky. The fluffy marshmallow clouds I used to think that I could sit on when I was a child. It’s breath taking. If you’ve never experienced an East Coast sunset, you should definitely give it a gander. I highly recommend the shores of Prince Edward Island as a starting point. The people here aren’t so bad either….just saying! 😉

For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
Colossians 1:16

Have a blessed day!
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